On this page you will find the answers to some common questions our parents regularly ask.

Incorrect Uniforms
Photo Permissions
PIP - Parent Involvement Program
Finding the right person to speak to
Letters to parents
Getting messages to students
Mobile Phones
Junior School assemblies

Incorrect Uniforms

Junior School - students should give a note from a parent to their teacher.

Secondary School - before attending their first period of the day, students are to go to Student Reception with a note from a parent explaining the reason for wearing incorrect uniform. The Student Receptionist will issue a one-day Uniform Note which is signed by the Deputy Principal or Head of School (or delegate). If a student does not have a note from a parent they will also be issued with a detention. Parents can contact the school if they have any questions.

Photo Permissions

In line with our desire to continue to share what happens in the life of our school, we will be collecting and sharing images and recordings of our students on our website, social media and internally as per the school’s terms of enrolment agreement. This will be done in keeping with our Privacy Policy and Privacy Statement and replaces all previous image consent requests. For all images used in external advertising (e.g. billboards, magazines etc.), we will seek additional approval before publication. Please contact the Office if you do not wish for your child’s image to be used on our website or social media.

PIP - Parent Involvement Program

The Parent Involvement Program (PIP) encourages parents to be involved in the life of the school community. Each family with students from Kindergarten to Year 12 pays a Maintenance Levy that is waived when parents complete 24 hours of volunteer work in a year. For more information about PIP and how to get involved, visit our Parents in Partnership page.

Finding the right person to speak to

In Junior School, if you have questions, concerns or suggestions regarding:

  • your child or some general classroom practice, contact the class teacher
  • a policy or practice in a section of the Junior School, contact the relevant coordinator (Prep to Year 2 - Vanessa Stuckings; Years 3 to 4 - Cate Holman; Years 5 to 6 - Mark Eatough) or the Head of Junior School (Heidi Stead)
  • the curriculum from K-6, contact the Junior School Curriculum Coordinator (Heidi Stead)
  • policy or practice in the whole Junior School, contact the Head of Junior School
  • if the issue is of a highly sensitive nature contact the Principal (Melissa Brown)

In Secondary School, if you have questions, concerns or suggestions regarding:

  • your child’s general progress or welfare, contact the Home Class Teacher in the first instance
  • your child’s progress in a particular subject or a question about classroom practice, contact the subject teacher concerned
  • policy, practice or pastoral care in relation to a section of the Secondary School, contact the relevant Year 7 to 12 Year Advisor or Stage Coordinator
  • for questions about the Preliminary or HSC Courses contact the Head of Secondary school (Sam Glassock)
  • for policy or practice in a subject area in general, contact the Subject Coordinator
  • for issues regarding Policy or Practice, or a group of children in the whole Secondary School contact the Head of Secondary School
  • If the issue is of a highly sensitive nature contact the Principal (Melissa Brown)

Whole of school questions, concerns or suggestions can be directed to:

  • general bus behaviour, contact the Director of Student Wellbeing (Dan Apin)
  • for questions or enquiries about co-curricular activities, contact the Director of Co-Curricular (Alison Vander Straaten)
  • discipline across a number of areas of the school, contact the Director of Student Wellbeing (Dan Apin)
  • Pastoral Care Policy or enquiries about how the school prevents and manages harassment/bullying across the School, contact Director of Student Wellbeing
  • for inquiries in the area of careers, contact the Careers Advisor (Kath Berry)
  • school curriculum approach and delivery, contact the Head of Secondary School (Sam Glassock) or Head of Junior School (Heidi Stead)
  • Learning Hub and its resources, contact the relevant Teacher Librarian (Junior School - Robyn Watson; Secondary School - Silva Mekerdichian)
  • enrolments and related issues, contact the Registrar (Wendy Boase)
  • Parent Involvement Program, community relations or fundraising, contact the Office
  • fees and other financial matters or maintenance of the buildings and grounds, contact the Business Manager (Andrew Lowry)
  • General administrative matters (e.g. bus passes, book lists, etc.), contact the Office
  • health and safety risks should be reported to any staff member, or can be raised with the relevant Head of School if the matter is delicate or complex

Any concern or suggestion can be made using the feedback form.

Letters to parents

Letters to parents can only be accessed via the Covie App > Links > Letters to parents.

Getting messages to students

Students are not permitted to check their mobile phones during school hours. If you need to get a message to you child, call the Office on 8459 4200. Let the Office staff know:

  • Name of child
  • Year Group or Class
  • Your message

Wherever possible, please try to send these messages to the Office before lunchtime. Please note that we cannot guarantee that messages received after 2.00pm will get to the student before the end of the day.

The Office team will endeavour to pass on the message to your child. Naturally this depends on sport, excursions and changes to location of classes.

Mobile Phones

Students should only use mobile phones before they arrive at school or after school finishes. Please do not contact your child via mobile phone in school hours. All communication must go via the School Office.

Junior School assemblies

Assemblies are a time of community, prayer, praise, recognition of the way our students are using their God-given gifts, Bible teaching, and hearing from various classes about what has been happening in recent weeks (aka ‘Spotlight’ or ‘Class item’). Parents are always welcome to join us for assembly.

Infants (Kindergarten to Year 2)

  • Assemblies typically occur on the 'odd' school weeks (i.e. 3, 5, 7, 9; typically not in Week 1)
  • Venue: PAS
  • Time: 9.50-10.30am

Primary (Years 3 to 6)

  • Assemblies typically occur on the 'even' school weeks (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
  • Venue: PAS
  • Time: 1.40-2.20pm

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